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Who is Hekate?

Hekate...just the name commands respect. Many sources on the internet will tell you that she is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, borders, or "the crossroads", but she is so much more than that. She is that which exists between this world and the next. 

Hekate is Queen of the Night, Goddess of Witchcraft, and among the
rulers of Spirit World. She is the Queen of the Crossroads: Hekate patrols
the frontier between life and death. She serves as an intermediary
between spirits and humans. She owns the ultimate skeleton key: the key
that unlocks the gates to all realms.
Although now most associated with Greek mythology, her name,
meaning “influence from afar” acknowledges Hekate’s foreign origins.
She may have originated in what is now Georgia on the Black Sea, home
of Medea, her most famous devotee and priestess. (Hecuba, Queen of
Troy, is another well-known devotee.) At one time, Hekate was chief
deity of Caria, now in western Turkey. The Greeks knew her as a Titan’s
daughter and as the confidante and handmaiden of Persephone, Queen
of the Dead.
Hekate is a goddess of life, death, regeneration, and magic. She rules
wisdom, choices, expiation, victory, vengeance, and travel. She is the
witness to every crime.

• She is invoked for justice, especially for sexual crimes against women
and girls.
• Hekate is invoked when justice is not forthcoming from other channels.
• Hekate has the power to grant or deny any mortal’s wish.
• She may be invoked for protection for dogs and from dogs.
• Hekate is petitioned for fertility, especially for female children.
• She brings victory in battle.
• Hekate may be invoked for healing, especially if medical solutions have
• She may be petitioned for swift, painless death.
• Hekate can banish ghosts (or produce a ghost infestation).

Hekate is an exceptionally powerful deity. The Theogony of Hesiod
describes Hekate as honored by Zeus above all others. According to some stories,
Hekate once served as an Angelas, a messenger for the other deities. She
stole Hera’s beauty salve to give to her rival, Europa. Hera, enraged,
pursued Hekate, who fled first to the bed of a woman in childbirth, then
to a funeral procession, and finally to Lake Acheron in Hades where she
was cleansed by the Cabeiri. Hekate emerged more powerful than ever, a
goddess of birth, death, and purification. She rules passages between
realms of life and death and is thus invoked by witches all over the world.

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