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Hekate (á¼™κάτη) is an ancient goddess of sorcery, the night, and crossroads. Her image is found in many historical site where it is believed she'd protect the towns and cities from evil spirits. This practice eventually found its way into the homes and was revered for her protection and the prosperity she brings. She is depicted having three faces, meaning she can see in the past, present, and future, and thus she was often worshiped as a goddess of the crossroads. Travelers would often leave offerings for her to ensure their journey would be blessed and protected.

Ultimately, she is a mysterious figure and the embodiment of a liminal deity. She crossed from the titans to the gods, regularly walks between the mortal and the divine, and is well-known for the trails she makes between the living and the dead. The worship of Hekate is still alive and well. Many pagan practices involve her into their crafts and call upon her for blessings and guidance.

And that is where I come in.

I am a devotee and herald of this amazing goddess and have been following her for the majority of my life. Her wisdom and power has equipped me with several gifts. And the one that I was blessed with the most is the ability to use divination to find answers in the darkness. This is not my power, but hers. Her torchlight allows me to see what others may be blind to. Over the course of my life, I have helped many people find their path and the answers they seek. This is all thanks to my devotion and love of Hekate.

If you need divine help, spiritual advice, or even just prayers, I am her Oracle and I am here to give you a hand.

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